NES (Network of Ethiopian Scholars) and its delusional "Ideas for ending endemic governance crisis in Ethiopia"

Adal Isaw
March 26, 2008
In what is utter effrontery to academicians of the world, few realistically challenged asinine Ethiopians are calling themselves the Network of Ethiopian Scholars, to knowingly or unknowingly engage in the art of mass deception and disinformation. On November 2, 2005, NES naively called upon the people of Ethiopia and the world, to unite and topple one of the progressive government in Africa, claiming that, Ethiopia is under sadistic and fascist rule.

On May 22, 2006, the jubilantly excited NES broke the news that, "... a historic meeting convened, by the Coalition for Unity and Democracy Party (CUDP), the Ethiopian People's Patriotic Front (EPPF), the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF), the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), the Sidama Liberation Front (SLF) and the United Ethiopian Democratic Forces (UEDF), at Utrecht in Netherlands," creating AFD-the step child of a megalomania from Eritrea.

Wounded but not dead, and while debunked for lack of academic sophistication; on March 20, 2008, NES still managed to lift up the heavy brush of deception to denigrate and paint Ethiopia as the land of "endemic governance crisis." The brush stroke from left to right, up and down zigzagging in intervals, painting the feeblest possible images, in an article titled "Ideas for ending endemic governance crisis in Ethiopia."
One needs not to read the article for only part of the title "endemic governance crisis" tells more than what the gist of the presupposition of the article in its totality can ever confess. Meanwhile, and mere academic exercise aside, there is always the need to define key terms of a presupposition if indeed the whole point of an academic argument is to produce a convert out of an Ethiopian reader who may have a stake in what is being argued.

NGOs, the so-called Western nations, opposition groups from the criminal element to the academically dishonest, and the very naive and vocal Ethiopian Diaspora have been using "bad governance," as point of argument against EPRDF almost to the point of making these two words of "bad governance" the cliché of the 21st century. And yet, none of these elements of the opposition, as a matter of fact has made the case that " bad governance" let alone "endemic" one is pervading Ethiopia as NES is claiming.

Endemic is a caustic word that speaks a volume whenever it is used in any order to describe that something extremely undesirable and potent is taking place. It is a word usually used to describe matters of health concern that may afflict a specific region and people, especially disease peculiar to the tropic. In this case, NES is using the word endemic to describe the lack of "good governance" in Ethiopia and have no clue as to how the word is unfitting to describe such a phenomenon.

The state of "good governance" or lack there of cannot be endemic by its very nature. In fact, it’s just the opposite. Good governance may afflict as many regions as bad governance or vice versa, and by deduction, it is indeed pandemic and cannot be attributed as a peculiar enigmatic sign to explain the state of poverty and hunger in the land of Ethiopia. If you doubt my assertion, just read the following evidence about the richest country of the world for a change, and debunk my surmise if you can.

On October 12, 2005, Oprah Winfery had a show unlike any other show she had had in the past. The show featured Anderson Cooper, the host of 360 on CNN and others to talk about destitution, and see with a naked eye the sad-ridden faces of the 43 million Americans that live below the poverty line. Video footage of poverty-stricken Americans disenchanted the audience and also the millions of viewers who were glued to the tube as usual.

It was breathtakingly unbelievable to see the graphic face of destitution and poverty in America-the worlds’ richest country. From that day on, it became apparent to many Americans that, poverty is neither an endemic state of affairs necessarily induced by speculated lack of "good governance" nor it is the sole attribute of all poor and underdeveloped nations of the world, as NES is idiotically suggesting. So, what is the fuss about this recent article by NES? If any, NES is merely engaging itself as usual in what Mathza (one of my favorite writers who also has shared the same story about Oprah show to her readers) calls, " endless variety of devious means of discrediting and demonizing the EPRDF."

The word " governance" has popped out of developmental literature to find itself being used by sectarian groups to bring about their interest to the forefront. Succinctly put, "governance" is defined as the process of decision-making and the process by which decisions are implemented. The whole process is influenced by formal and informal actors. The government is the formal actor and the list of informal actors can be very long to include political and economic Mafias. As you have noticed in our country recently, the economic Mafias may include those "entrepreneurs" who jacked up the price of salt 900% overnight.

The economic Mafias may also venture to ransack the national treasury of Ethiopia, and in no way are attributable only to poor countries who are inured of being condemned for having " bad governance" as NES is suggesting. In fact, responding to the recent gold scandal of Ethiopia, NES idiotically asked the following questions, stretching the incident to mean something that have been caused by the New Federal Democratic Republic System of Ethiopia.

Reaching to the epic of stupidity, NES asked, "What does this fraud show? What is the relationship between the prevailing ethnic governance and such grand theft committed against the nation? Is this colossal theft related to ethnic de-valorization of Ethiopianess and Ethiopian patriotic belonging where those who steal prefer to privilege their private pockets to the decent matter of allegiance to the national well being? How can they imagine they can rob the national treasury for so long undetected, unless they have powerful official and intelligence people backing them? Where did the real gold go? These are indeed trying questions at trying times where this unfortunate nation seems to continue to lurch from one disastrous episode to another? How much has ethnic politics to do with this colossal treachery against the nation?"

How is what it means to be an Ethiopian has got to do with those who stole gold from the national treasury? Is NES about to tell us that some within us-Ethiopians ,including King Haile Selassie and Mengistu Hailemariam, have never been implicated stealing from the national treasury? Is Federalism the culprit in this scandal as NES is suggesting? Oh my! I guess, only the feeblest minds among us Ethiopians render to vitriolic criticism such as this one to consequent havoc and division among people who are otherwise united under one guiding principle-the equality of all peoples of Ethiopia unlike any other time in their history under the supreme law of the land that we often call the constitution. NES, get used to it! Your dog didn’t eat your home work.

It’s baffling that NES is equating the idea of Ethiopiawinet with the recent gold scandal. No Ethiopian needs a lecture on the idea of Ethiopiawinet from anybody including NES in such platitudes and nonsensical manner. If there is a perceived degree of difference about how one feels Ethiopiyawe, it arises from a reason more complex than the gold scandal that NES is eager to equate with. No matter how, NES will never ever rightfully claim to be more of an Ethiopian than any Ethiopiawee since the mechanism to weigh the strength of a conviction of such an idea or lack there of is non existent.

The whole point is that, governance is influenced by economic Mafias of the kinds that have been involved in the recent gold scandal, and to a greater extent, it’s attributed to the culture of greed that a capitalist system brings forth. If EPRDF is influenced to "govern" and acts as the Communist Party of China and executes all those who stole gold from the treasury, I suppose NES would be complaining about cruel, unnecessary, and inhuman punishment. In any case, NGOs of different breed, the international media, both print and TV, inter non-governmental and governmental organizations, treaties, trade laws and agreements, and multi national organizations are some of the actors from the many to impact the nature of "governance" in any type of government.

It is thus very deceptive of NES to imply that, the nature of "governance" is single- handedly influenced by a government. In fact, to a lesser or greater extent, even the behavior of NES as instigator of instability and disorder by having an affiliation with known terrorist organization have an impact on the nature of "governance" in Ethiopia. If NES is to behave in a civil manner and refrains from disseminating lies after lies, it’s very likely that our government would have markedly different mode of "governance" from spending more time on issues of political and economic detractors to spending time developing Ethiopia in full gear.
For some, including NES, EPRDF is the quintessential example of a government that went awry because of how it makes decisions and the way how it carries the decisions for implementation. But, for many Ethiopians who are cognizant of the context under which EPRDF is governing Ethiopia, EPRDF is one of the government that should have received the greatest commendation possible for good governance. It is very apparent that, NES stands to contend this bold assertion by giving us all of the reasons that it has forwarded on March 20, 2008, till I debunk all of the criticisms one criticism at a time.

"Unscrupulous syndicate of foreign and local business" are using Ethiopia’s land to grow "water thirsty rose for cheap export" thereby exposing our people to a protracted "food shortage," reads the introductory criticism of NES. Two untenable evidences are forwarded in support of NES assertions that, how rose production is bad for Ethiopia. The first one is, the fact that nine million people are waiting for food aid, and the second one, the fact that Portugal and Spain have ceased to produce rose, believing that it’s a detrimental venture. The allusion for the latter evidence is that, the Western developed world has abandoned rose production for reasons that NES is claiming about land usage in Ethiopia.

Contrary to NES claim, the Western developed states, particularly the European ones, did not abandon rose production by choice, and particularly not because of the reasons that NES is asserting. Rather, they were simply forced out by competition. In the 1960s and 70s, the Netherlands rose to a domineering stance in the world of cut flowers, but more specifically, roses, and its European developed states were eventually eliminated as competitors in rose production and were transformed into importers of roses. Today, Holland grows one out of every five commercially grown roses. And, for having done that, Holland has yet to create poverty-stricken citizens as NES is eager to point. The facts are not simply there to support that the nine million people in Ethiopia are waiting for " food hand outs" as a result of rose production.

The market for flower cuts, especially of roses has been expanding vastly to Asia, Africa, and south America. The list of countries includes but is not limited to Thailand, Malaysia, Zambia, Tanzania, Mauritius, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. For the Third World, roses have been treated by international market analysts and development experts as the "miracle crop" earning up to five times per acre what fruit crops bring in. So, what is the fuss about rose production, if the government of Ethiopia is avoiding banned and unregistered pesticides to avoid risks in health hazard and contamination of the soil? What is the fuss of rose production if the government is making sure that the working force is fit with protective gears even when registered and relatively safer pesticides are applied? What is the fuss about rose production if recycled water is used to harvest them? NES is simply out of gas and can only split hair in matters that have little bearing if any to the over all question of economic development.

By the way, weren’t you scholars supposed to premise your conclusion in solid evidence and trends of data that support your claim? Have you asked yourself how much of Ethiopia’s land is being used for horticulture vis a vi’s food production? How much of water? Are the nine million people waiting for "food hand out" the consequent of rose production? Is hunger the consequent of " bad governance" handing land to "unscrupulous syndicate of foreign and local business," to grow "water thirsty rose for cheap export," thereby exposing our people to a protracted "food shortage" as you are dishonestly suggesting? The answer is no, and here is the reason why.

As I have indicated earlier, good or bad governance is the product of two actors, and government of any kind is not going to be able to make decisions and carry out the decisions for implementation single handedly. Thus, the fact that we have "scrupulous" or "unscrupulous" foreign investors in Ethiopia indicates that, the blame, if there is any, should be attributed to the informal actors. EPRDF is not a mind reader and thus cannot sift the crook and the dishonest, from the honest ones, just by how they sign their lease agreements.

It’s so perplexing why NES is so craven to mention WTO, World Bank, and another international financial institutions, and the existence of an asymmetric political and economic relationship with the so-called Western world. NES is aware of the fact that, Ethiopia is compelled to open up its market and business ventures to foreign investors if it wants to do business with the Big Boys. Market liberalization is what has been required of Ethiopia for some time now, and the Ethiopian government is being pressured day in and day out to open up even those aspects of the economy that would put our country in harms way. In any case, the whole point here is that, poverty or hunger which NES loves to politicize for political expediency, is the function of asymmetric international economic and political relationship that has pervaded the world especially after WWII.

It won’t be surprising if NES is to equate the creation of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN) with hunger in Ethiopia and the so-called Third World. But, the fact is, FAO of the UN was created, after hunger became the major concern of the United States and its European allies that had incurred a good deal of damage to their economies during the war. Countries in the South were relatively food self-sufficient before they were colonized by the west. Colonization or interactions with industrialized nations via trade, aid, and investment in least developed countries by Western banks and industries" immiserized" local economies. Those developing nations that overcame poverty and hunger, such as South Korea and Taiwan, were given huge amounts of aid because they were of strategic interest to the Western powers.
David N. Balaam & Michael Veseth

Introduction to International Political Economy

(New Jersey: Prentice-Hall. In., 1996). p. 386-387.
Poverty or Hunger, then, is not endemic to Ethiopia as NES is suggesting, but is a consequent of the asymmetric relationship that Ethiopia is compelled to have with the Big Boy of the so-called Western nations.

The implications of having liberal capitalist market system are many, and for one, it always creates great disparities of wealth and poverty. EPRDF is very cognizant of this fact and acts to restrain the disparities from going over board. The fact that land is apportioned for use via lease system is one good example that shows how EPRDF is putting the cork, to restrain the political and economic control that few may end up having if Ethiopia were to sell its land to Archer Daniel Midland company-a capitalist venture that is claiming of feeding the world. NES has to come out and propose an economic system other than the restrained capitalist system that we have in Ethiopia, and show us exactly how the disparities in wealth and power are going to be avoided. Our stance is that, even in restrained capitalist system, disparities are inevitable but restraining them is possible. NES, are you pondering on shooting your arm with the dose of "good, old, true socialist system?"

Food problems; gold scandal; dispirited sense of self; political and economic power disparities, and all of the complaints, as far as NES is concerned are the creations of "ethnic framed" governance. "Ethnic framed" is a reference given to Kilils that EPRDF has arranged as political units, to fairly and squarely distribute political rights, economic interests, and social benefits among the many people of Ethiopia.

Kilil is one of the issue that can easily be demagoged to mean the dismembering of Ethiopia into ethnic miniature states and anything and everything bad as NES is claiming. Those who oppose Kilil would not badge to claim a patriotic upper hand over those who advocate for it, exactly as NES is hail bent doing. Nonetheless, the principle that should guide our discourse on Kilil has to be the following: There should always be a contest in choosing the way how we live, but never should there be a contest with each other claiming to be more of an Ethiopian than those who stand to challenge the political living arrangement that we’re espousing for.

Neither the living arrangement nor the contest to choose one arrangement from another is immutable. Keep in mind that the fourteen provinces that made up the political unit arrangement of Ethiopia were never meant to stand still for ever. The same is true about Kili; it’s just another changeable political living arrangement being used for now to fairly and squarely distribute political rights, economic interests, and social benefits among the many people of Ethiopia.

Those who are standing to lose from such a political living arrangement in which power, privilege, duties, and rights are distributed are arguing in essence for immutable order of things. The traditional and historical edifice of Ethiopia stood on the premise of royal and aristocratic privileges, and this coercive edifice was imposed on fourteen political provinces. The edifice also was justified through ecclesiastical authority in order to shore and give it the appearance of immutability. Those who dare to challenge the royal and aristocratic living arrangements within the fourteen provinces of Ethiopia were dealt mercilessly. The continuing coercive living arrangement under royal and aristocratic administration brew local resistance and nationalist movements in many parts of the fourteen provinces of Ethiopia paving the path for EPRDF.

Well beyond the histrionics, rhetoric, and the dog eat my home work complaint of NES, Kilil is a political choice that resulted from decades of an Ethiopian struggle for justice, equality, and the right to self-govern oneself locally. It’s a political living arrangement representing the pacts and agreements that the EPRDF made with the peoples of Ethiopia as stipulated in the Constitution, emancipating and empowering the many people of Ethiopia from imposing and oppressing monolithic central government.1 NES, get used to the New Ethiopia, and stop the dereliction of your academic duty.


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